Richard G Baldwin Programming Tutorials

Introductory Java Programming Tutorial

Table of Contents

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The New Face of Computer Science Education - The Scratch Generation

002 The Importance of Sun's Java Documentation
905 Types, Classes, and Objects
9000 Sample Programs, Set 1
9001 Sample Programs, Set 2
9002 Sample Programs, Set 3

The Essence of OOP
1600 The Essence of OOP Using Java, Objects, and Encapsulation
1602 The Essence of OOP using Java, Classes
1604 The Essence of OOP Using Java, Inheritance, Part 1
1606 The Essence of OOP Using Java, Inheritance, Part 2
1608 The Essence of OOP Using Java, Polymorphism Based on Overloaded Methods
1610 The Essence of OOP using Java, Polymorphism, Type Conversion, Casting, Etc.
1612 The Essence of OOP using Java, Runtime Polymorphism through Inheritance
1614 The Essence of OOP using Java, Polymorphism and the Object Class
1616 The Essence of OOP using Java, Polymorphism and Interfaces, Part 1
1618 The Essence of OOP using Java, Polymorphism and Interfaces, Part 2
1620 The Essence of OOP using Java: Static Members
1622 The Essence of OOP using Java, Array Objects, Part 1
1624 The Essence of OOP using Java, Array Objects, Part 2
1626 The Essence of OOP using Java, Array Objects, Part 3
1628 The Essence of OOP using Java, The this and super Keywords
1630 The Essence of OOP using Java, Exception Handling

Note, the following lessons on The Essence of OOP are considered to be Intermediate level material. They are included here because they are part of the comprehensive series on The Essence of OOP.

1632 The Essence of OOP using Java, Static Initializer Blocks
1634 The Essence of OOP using Java, Instance Initializers
1636 The Essence of OOP using Java, Member Classes
1638 The Essence of OOP using Java, Local Classes
1640 The Essence of OOP using Java, Anonymous Classes
1642 The Essence of OOP using Java, Nested Top-Level Classes

Java Advanced Placement (Java AP) Study Guide Lessons
AP002 Introduction to the Lessons, Primitive Types
AP004 Assignment and Arithmetic Operators
AP006 Relational Operators, Increment Operator, and Control Structures
AP008 Logical Operations, Numeric Cast, String Concatenation, and the toString() Method
AP010 Escape Character Sequences and Arrays
AP012 More on Arrays
AP014 Method Overloading
AP014 Method Overloading - Revised for V1.4.2 08/03/04
AP016 Classes, Constructors, Setter Methods, and Getter Methods
AP018 The super Keyword, final Keyword, and static Methods
AP020 The this Keyword, static final Variables, and Initialization of Instance Variables
AP022 Extending Classes, Overriding Methods, and Polymorphic Behavior
AP024 Interfaces and polymorphic behavior
AP026 Comparing Objects, Packages, Import Directives, and Some Common Exceptions
AP028 Type Conversion, Casting, Common Exceptions, Public Class Files, javadoc comments and Directives, and Null References
004Object-Oriented Programming 
006 Books, Tools, FAQ, Links, etc. (previously Misc Java Notes) 
008 Similarities and Differences between Java and C++ 
010 Hello World 
012 Defining a Class 
014 The main() Method 
016 Using the System and PrintStream Classes 
017 Introduction to Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) 
018 Introduction to Applets 
020 Variables 
022 Operators 
024 Expressions 
026 Flow of Control 
028 Arrays and Strings 
029 Object Oriented Development (under construction and unavailable) 
030 Brief Introduction to Exceptions 
031 OOD -- The Painter's Canvas Problem 
032 Command-Line Arguments 
034 Standard Input and Output Streams 
036 Objects 
038 Classes 
039 Packages 
040 Access Control 
042 Instance Members, Class Members, Constructors, and Finalization 
044 More on Inheritance 
046 More on Interfaces 
048 Packages - See lesson #39 
050 String and StringBuffer 
052 Setting Program Attributes 
054 Using System Resources 
056 Handling Errors Using Exceptions 
057 Chained Exceptions in Java

Data Structures
1350 Data Structures in Java: Part 1, Getting Started
1352 Data Structures in Java: Part 2, What Is a Collection?
1354 Data Structures in Java: Part 3, Purpose of Framework Interfaces
1356 Data Structures in Java: Part 4, Purpose of Implementations and Algorithms
1358 Data Structures in Java: Part 5, The Core Collection Interfaces
1360 Data Structures in Java: Part 6, Data Structures in Java: Part 6, Duplicate Elements, Ordered Collections, Sorted Collections, and Interface Specialization
1362 Data Structures in Java: Part 7, The Comparable Interface, Part 1
1364 Data Structures in Java: Part 8, The Comparable Interface, Part 2
1366 Data Structures in Java: Part 9, The Comparator Interface, Part 1
1368 Data Structures in Java: Part 10, The Comparator Interface, Part 2
1370 Data Structures in Java: Part 11, The Comparator Interface, Part 3
1372 Data Structures in Java: Part 12, The Comparator Interface, Part 4
1374 Data Structures in Java: Part 13, The Comparator Interface, Part 5
1376 Data Structures in Java: Part 14, The Comparator Interface, Part 6
1378 Data Structures in Java: Part 15, The toArray Method, Part 1
1380 Data Structures in Java: Part 16, The toArray Method, Part 2

Multimedia Programming with Java (note that some of the following tutorials are intermediate and advanced level)
340Getting Started
342Getting Started with the Turtle Class
344Continuing with the SimpleTurtle Class
346Wrapping Up the SimpleTurtle Class
348 The Pen and PathSegment Classes
349 A Pixel Editor Program in Java
350 3D Displays, Color Distance, and Edge Detection
351 A Slider-Controlled Softening Program for Digital Photos
352 Adding Animated Movement to Your Java Application
353 A Slider-Controlled Sharpening Program for Digital Photos
354 The DigitalPicture Interface
355 The HSB Color Model
356 The show Method and the PictureFrame Class
357 An HSB Color-Editing Program for Digital Photos
358 Applying Affine Transforms to Picture Objects
359 Creating a lasso for editing digital photos in Java
360 Wrapping Up the SimplePicture Class
361 A Temperature and Tint Editing Program for Digital Photos
362 Getting Started with the PictureExplorer Class
363 Redeye Correction in Digital Photographs
364 Building the Information Panel for the PictureExplorer GUI
365 Using Flood-Fill in Java Programs
366 Displaying an Image in a PictureExplorer Object
2700 Changing the Default Background Image for a World Object


Richard G Baldwin, 

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