<!--File jsp002.jsp
Illustrates comments intended for output to the
HTML file.
Illustrates hidden comments.
Also illustrates expressions.
Access http://localhost:8080/jsp002.jsp to run
this JSP file in the Sun jswdk-1.0.1 reference
implementation of jsp.
You must download and install the reference
implementation first. Then you must place a
copy of this JSP file in the directory named
webpages in the directory tree where the Sun
jswdk-1.0.1 reference implementation is
installed on your disk.
end comment -->
<!-- HTML comment without JSP expression -->
<!-- HTML comment with JSP -->
<!-- expression follows -->
<!-- Date and time is
<%= (new java.util.Date()) %> -->
<!-- The following space was produced by -->
<!-- hidden comments. -->
<%-- This is a hidden comment it won't --%>
<%-- appear in the output HTML --%>
Figure 1