Richard G Baldwin (512) 223-4758,,

JavaBeans, Properties of Beans, Simple and Indexed

Java Programming, Lecture Notes # 508, Revised 02/19/98.
  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Overview of Properties
  • Design Patterns for Simple Properties
  • Design Patterns for Boolean Properties
  • Design Patterns for Indexed Properties
  • Sample Bean Program
  • Sample Test Program
  • Interesting Code Fragments from the Bean Program
  • Interesting Code Fragments from the Test Program
  • Program Listing for the Bean Program
  • Program Listing for the Test Program

  • Preface

    Students in Prof. Baldwin's Advanced Java Programming classes at ACC are responsible for knowing and understanding all of the material in this lesson.

    The material in this lesson is extremely important. However, there is simply too much material to be covered in detail during lecture periods. Therefore, students in Prof. Baldwin's Advanced Java Programming classes at ACC will be responsible for studying this material on their own, and bringing any questions regarding the material to class for discussion.

    JDK 1.1 was released on February 18, 1997 and JDK 1.1.1 was released on March 27, 1997. This lesson was originally written on April 13, 1997 using the software and documentation in the JDK 1.1.1 download package along with the April 97 release of the BDK 1.0 download package.

    You may be wondering why I continue to provide this information. The reason is simple. The Java JDK and BDK continue to evolve at a very rapid rate with bugs being fixed with each new release. For example, you may read a lesson and test the programs in that lesson using a later version of the JDK and BDK than was used when the lesson was originally written. In some cases, you may get different results. In that case, you need to be aware that things may have changed with the development software.

    For example, earlier lessons which were based on the Beta 3 version of JDK 1.1 discussed a coordinate offset problem when extracting mouse coordinates from a mouse event. As of JDK 1.1.1, that problem no longer exists. I don't know whether it was fixed in JDK 1.1 Final or JDK 1.1.1, but it has been fixed.

    Also, an earlier lesson based on the February 1997 release of BDK 1.0 had an undocumented and unexpected requirement for special code to properly size a bean when it is placed in the BeanBox. That requirement no longer exists in the April 1997 version and in that respect, the BeanBox seems to behave as would be expected. Apparently that was a bug that has also been fixed.


    This lesson summarizes information presented earlier on Simple properties and provides information not previously discussed on Indexed properties. An example bean class is developed that includes Indexed properties. This bean class is examined with the Introspector and is tested with a test program designed specifically to exercise the get and set methods for the Indexed property.

    According to JavaSoft,

    The purpose of a Bean is to be installed in the toolbox of a visual builder tool (VBT) so that it can be incorporated into new applications and applets with no requirement to recompile the code for the Bean. Furthermore, two or more Beans should be able to be installed in such an application and caused to communicate with one another without the requirement to recompile either of them.

    The following five attributes are common to Beans:

    Previous lessons have provided a general introduction to beans, have provided instructions on how to use the BeanBox, and have discussed Introspection in detail. This lesson will concentrate on certain aspects of Properties. Future lessons will continue the discussion of Properties and will discuss the other attributes as well.

    Overview of Properties

    In the simplest case, a property of a Bean is represented by an instance variable whose value can be manipulated using a pair of set and get methods. The Introspector uses design patterns to identify propeties.

    If the set method exists without a corresponding get method, then the property is a write-only property. Similarly, if the get method exists whthout a corresponding set method, then the property is a read-only property.

    It is also possible to forego design patterns and provide explicit information regarding various aspects of the interface including Properties.

    The Introspector will accept an is method as an alternative to or in addition to a get method for the special case of boolean properties.

    There are four kinds of properties:

    This lesson will concentrate on Simple and Indexed properties. Bound and Constrained properties will be discussed in a future lesson. Explicit specification of properties will also be covered in a future lesson.

    Design Patterns for Simple Properties

    The Introspector uses design patterns to locate properties by looking for methods having signatures of the form The existence of a matching pair of such methods is regarded as defining a read-write property whose name will be <propertyName>. (Note the change in case of the first letter in the property name. The rules for upper and lower case were explained in the lesson on the Introspector.)

    The two methods are used to get and set the property values as the names of the methods imply.

    Both methods in the pair may be located either in the same class, or one may be in a subclass and the other may be in a superclass.

    If only one of the methods from the pair exists, then it is regarded either as a read-only or a write-only property.

    The default assumption is that the property is neither bound nor constrained. As mentioned earlier, this will be discussed in more detail in a subsequent lesson.

    Reflecting the above general description in more concrete terms might result in the following pair of methods for a property named myProperty of type int.

    Design Patterns for Boolean Properties

    As a special case for boolean properties, the Introspector will recognize the following form either in place of or in addition to the get method. In either case, if the “is<PropertyName>” method is present for a boolean property then it will be used to read the property value.

    An example for a boolean property named ready might be:

    It is important to remember that the instance variable used to maintain the value of the property is not required to have the same name as the property, but it may have the same name.

    Design Patterns for Indexed Properties

    An indexed property is a property having multiple values stored in an array. The following design patterns are regarded as indicating a property of this type. where the value passed to the integer parameter is the index of the element of interest.

    The following example program defines a property according to this design pattern. Application of the Introspector using JDK 1.1.1 found but did not successfully report the accessor methods for this property. This may be a bug in the JDK 1.1.1 Introspector, or may be an error in my program. I'm not certrain as of this writing (April 14, 1997).

    It is also possible to have accessor methods which read and/or write the entire array. This results in design patterns of the following form:

    Taking all of this into account might lead to the following four methods in the design pattern for an indexed property of type MyType named myProperty.

    Sample Bean Program

    In this lesson, we will deal with two different programs. One program is a program that creates a bean. The other program is a program used to partially test the bean. This section deals with the program used to create the bean.

    This program was designed to be compiled and executed under JDK 1.1.1. It was tested using JDK 1.1.1 and the Apr97 version of the BDK 1.0 under Win95. As mentioned earlier, this is important information. Testing the same program using a later version of the JDK or BDK may yield different results.

    The purpose of this program is to illustrate simple and indexed properties. An illustration of bound and constrained properties is deferred until a future lesson.

    This bean contains three properties: a simple Color property named color, a simple boolean property named ready, and an indexed int property named indexedProperty. (It also contains a read-only property named preferredSize which resulted from providing that information for the benefit of the layout manager.)

    The behavior of the properties was first tested by installing the bean in the BeanBox and observing the behavior.

    The bean contains a method named makeBlue() which sets the background color of the bean to blue by invoking the set method of the color property. This method was included for the sole purpose of illustrating the setting of a property by invoking its set method under program control.

    A button was installed in the BeanBox along with this bean. By linking the actionPerformed() event of the button to the makeBlue() method of the bean, that button was used to invoke the makeBlue() method which in turn demonstrated the ability to set the color property under program control. When the button was clicked, the background color of the bean burned blue.

    It was also observed that the color property and the ready property both appeared in the property editor of the BeanBox and behaved as would be expected, both for setting and getting the values of the properties. This was considered to be an adequate test of both of the simple properties.

    The fact that the bean appeared in the BeanBox at the correct size was considered to be an adequate test of the simple read-only property named preferredSize.

    The indexed property did not appear in the property editor of the BeanBox. I was unable to find anything in the documentation on the BeanBox regarding the use of the property editor with indexed properties, so I really am not certain what we should expect in this regard.

    Primarily because we were unable to test the indexed property using the BeanBox, the bean was tested further using two other approaches.

    First, a special test program named Beans02Test was written to test the indexed property of the bean. This program tested the ability to set and get the individual elements of the indexed property under program control. It also tested the ability to set and get the entire indexed property array under program control.

    The results of those tests appeared to be successful and are contained in the comments in the program listing for that program. They will be discussed in a later section.

    Next, an Introspection program named Introspect01 was applied to the bean to report on its properties. The program named Introspect01 is a program developed in an earlier lesson that applies introspection and reports on the properties, events, and methods of a bean. Application of the Introspect01 program to this bean produced the following output (since this bean was developed to illustrate properties, only that portion of the report dealing with properties is shown).

    Name of bean:  Beans02
    Class of bean: class Beans02
    ==== Properties: ====
    Name: indexedProperty
     Type:       class [I
     Get method: public synchronized int[] Beans02.getIndexedProperty()
     Set method: public synchronized void Beans02.setIndexedProperty(int[])
    Name: preferredSize
     Type:       class java.awt.Dimension
     Get method: public synchronized java.awt.Dimension Beans02.getPreferredSize()
     Set method: null
    Name: color
     Type:       class java.awt.Color
     Get method: public synchronized java.awt.Color Beans02.getColor()
     Set method: public synchronized void Beans02.setColor(java.awt.Color)
    Name: ready
     Type:       boolean
     Get method: public synchronized boolean Beans02.isReady()
     Set method: public synchronized void Beans02.setReady(boolean)
    The report on all of the simple properties look correct.

    The Type specification for the indexed property looks a little strange. Otherwise, the report looks correct insofar as the set and get methods for setting and getting the entire array of indexed property values is concerned.

    However, it is bothersome that the Introspector did not also report the set and get methods for setting and getting a single indexed element for the indexed property.

    To further investigate this, the methods that set and get the entire indexed property were removed from the program. Then the program was recompiled and tested again using the Introspector. When this was done, the Introspector reported the following regarding the indexed property:

    Name: indexedProperty
     Type:       null
     Get method: null
     Set method: null
    This is definitely not what we would hope to see. The Introspector appears to be able to recognize the existence of the indexed property, but does not properly report on the accessor methods for the individual elements. I don't know if this is a bug in the system or an error in my program. Again, for the record, these results were obtained using JDK 1.1.1. Performing the same tests with a later version may produce different results.
    Note: This same test was performed again in October 1997 using JDK 1.1.3 and the results were the same. The Introspector still didn't seem to be able to properly report on the accessor methods for the individual elements.
    With respect to getting different results from later versions of the JDK and BDK, note that the undocumented requirement for a special sizeToFit() method that existed in the Feb97 version of BDK 1.0 was eliminated in the Apr97 version. For more details on this, see the earlier lesson on the skeleton bean. It now appears that this was a bug in the Feb97 version that was eliminated in the Apr97 version.

    For the record, the batch file used to install this bean in the beanbox contained the following:

    The manifest file named Beans02.mft used in conjunction with the batch file to install the bean in the beanbox contained the following: The following package specification was required to install the Bean in the BeanBox. Note that the package specification changes depending on where the Bean is installed in the directory structure.

    Sample Test Program

    As mentioned above, the BeanBox could not be adequately used to test the indexed property of this bean. Therefore, a special test program was written to test just that aspect of the bean.

    This program was designed to be compiled and executed under JDK 1.1.1. The program was tested using JDK 1.1.1 under Win95.

    This is a minimal test program for It is designed to test only the indexed property of Beans02. The other properties of Beans02 can be tested adequately in the BeanBox.

    The program executes a series of statements that invoke the set and get methods of the indexed property of the bean both for individual elements and for the entire indexed property array.

    The test appeared to be completely successful. The code in this test program is almost trivial and is interesting only because it is being used to test an indexed property of a bean. Since it is so simple, it won't be discussed in detail at this point. However, the entire program listing as well as the output produced by the program is provided at the end of this lesson for your review.

    Interesting Code Fragments from the Bean Program

    The first interesting code fragment is the declaration of the three instance variables that are used to maintain the property values. This is followed immediately by the constructor that, among other things, instantiates an array object for maintenance of the values of the indexed property. Recall that in Java, you must declare a reference variable for an array and then instantiate an actual array object which is referenced by that reference variable.

      protected Color myColor;   protected boolean readyPropertyValue = true;   protected int[] myIndexedInstanceVariable;      public Beans02(){//constructor     myColor = Color.yellow;//initialize the background color to yellow     setBackground(myColor);     //Instantiate an array object to maintain the indexed property     myIndexedInstanceVariable = new int[3];   }//end constructor
    The next interesting code fragment is the pair of set and is methods which, along with the instance variable named readyPropertyValue, constitutes the simple property named ready. Recall that for the special case of boolean properties, either a get method or an is method will satisfy the design pattern requirement.

      public synchronized boolean isReady(){     return readyPropertyValue;   }//end isDummyInstanceVariable()      public synchronized void setReady(boolean data){     readyPropertyValue = data;   }//end setReady
    The next interesting code fragment is the pair of set and get methods which, along with the instance variable named myColor, constitute the simple property named color.

      public synchronized void setColor(Color inColor){     myColor = inColor;     this.setBackground(myColor);   }//end setColor()   public synchronized Color getColor(){     return myColor;   }//end getColor
    The next interesting code fragment is the method named makeBlue() that was included in the bean solely to illustrate the ability to modify the color property under program control by invoking its set method. Properties are often modified at design time using property editors in builder tools, and are often modified at runtime by invoking set methods under program control.

      public synchronized void makeBlue(){     this.setColor(;   };//end makeBlue()
    That brings us to the interesting code fragments for the indexed properties. The following two methods are intended to satisfy the design pattern requirement for setting and getting individual elements in an indexed property. Although these methods seem to match the specifications, they don't seem to be properly recognized by the Introspector in JDK 1.1.1 as discussed in an earlier section.

    They do respond properly to the test program which is listed at the end of the lesson. It seems as if the design pattern matching capability of the Introspector doesn't work correctly for the case where the get method signature contains an argument and the set method signature contains two arguments which is the requirement for getting and setting individual indexed values for an indexed property.

      public synchronized int getIndexedProperty(int a){     return myIndexedInstanceVariable[a];   }//end getIndexedProperty   public synchronized void setIndexedProperty(int a, int b){     myIndexedInstanceVariable[a] = b;     }//end setIndexedProperty
    The next interesting code fragment is the following pair of methods that satisfy the design pattern requirement for setting and getting the entire array that maintains the values of an indexed property. Although the design pattern for setting and getting individual elements in the indexed property don't seem to work properly, the design pattern for setting and getting all of the elements as a group does seem to work properly. See the discussion in an earlier section.

      public synchronized int[] getIndexedProperty(){     return myIndexedInstanceVariable;     }//end int[] getIndexedProperty()   public synchronized void setIndexedProperty(int a[]){     myIndexedInstanceVariable = a;         }//
    The next interesting code fragment is interesting only because it represents a bug fix in the Apr97 version of BDK 1.0. This is a relatively standard method for establishing the size of a component at display time. The Feb97 version of the BDK did not properly use this method to set the size of the bean, but that problem has been fixed in the Apr97 version.

      public synchronized Dimension getPreferredSize(){     return new Dimension(50,50);   }//end getPreferredSize()

    Interesting Code Fragments from the Test Program

    As mentioned earlier, the test program is so simple that it really doesn't contain any interesting code fragments. The program simply invokes the set and get methods of the indexed property, both for individual elements and for the complete set of indexed property values. The results are entirely as would be expected. A listing of the program and the output produced by the program is included at the end of the lesson.

    Program Listing for the Bean Program

    This section contains a commented listing of the bean program. See the previous sections for an operational description of the program.

    /*File Copyright 1997, R.G.Baldwin
    This program was designed to be compiled and executed under JDK 1.1.1.
    It was tested using JDK 1.1.1 and the Apr97 version of the BDK 1.0 
    under Win95.  
    The purpose of this program is to illustrate simple and indexed 
    The following package specification was required to install the Bean in 
    the BeanBox.  Note that the package specification changes depending on 
    where the Bean is installed in the directory structure.
    package sunw.demo.beans02;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Beans02 extends Canvas implements Serializable{
      //The following three instance variables are used for properties
      protected Color myColor;
      protected boolean readyPropertyValue = true;
      protected int[] myIndexedInstanceVariable;
      public Beans02(){//constructor
        myColor = Color.yellow;//initialize the background color to yellow
        //Instantiate an array object to maintain the indexed property
        myIndexedInstanceVariable = new int[3];
      }//end constructor
      //The following "set" and "is" methods in conjunction with the instance
      // variable readyPropertyValue constitute a boolean property named ready.
      // For boolean properties, either a "get" method or an "is" method will
      // support the design pattern requirement.
      public synchronized boolean isReady(){
        return readyPropertyValue;
      }//end isDummyInstanceVariable()
      public synchronized void setReady(boolean data){
        readyPropertyValue = data;
      }//end setReady
      //The following "set" and "get" methods in conjunction with the instance
      // variable myColor constitute a property of type Color named color.  
      public synchronized void setColor(Color inColor){
        myColor = inColor;
      }//end setColor()
      public synchronized Color getColor(){
        return myColor;
      }//end getColor
      //The following method is included to demonstrate that the color
      // property can be set under program control by invoking its set access
      // method.
      public synchronized void makeBlue(){
      };//end makeBlue()
      //The following two methods are intended to satisfy the design pattern 
      // for setting and getting elements from an indexed property.  See the
      // comments at the beginning of the program for a further discussion
      // on this.
      public synchronized int getIndexedProperty(int a){
        return myIndexedInstanceVariable[a];
      }//end getIndexedProperty
      public synchronized void setIndexedProperty(int a, int b){
        myIndexedInstanceVariable[a] = b;  
      }//end setIndexedProperty
      //The following two methods satisfy the design pattern for setting and
      // getting the entire array for an indexed property.
      public synchronized int[] getIndexedProperty(){
        return myIndexedInstanceVariable;  
      }//end int[] getIndexedProperty()
      public synchronized void setIndexedProperty(int a[]){
        myIndexedInstanceVariable = a;      
      //This method defines the display size of the object when it appears
      // in the BeanBox.  It is called automatically by the layout manager
      // or whatever is controlling the placement and size of components 
      // in the display window.  Note that the Feb97 version of BDK 1.0 did
      // not properly support this approach but the Apr97 version does
      // support it.
      public synchronized Dimension getPreferredSize(){
        return new Dimension(50,50);
      }//end getPreferredSize()
    }//end class

    Program Listing for the Test Program

    This section contains a listing of a test program written to test the indexed property of the bean program. The output from running the test is also contained in the listing.

    /*File Copyright 1997, R.G.Baldwin
    This program was designed to be compiled and executed under JDK 1.1.1.
    The program was tested using JDK 1.1.1 and the Apr97 version of 
    BDK 1.0 under Win95.  
    This is a minimal test program for  It is designed to
    test only the indexed property of Beans02.  The other properties of
    Beans02 can be tested adequately in the BeanBox.
    Output from the program is:
    Set, get, and display value of 30 in index 2
    Get, display, and modify entire property array
    Using modified array, set, get, and display entire property array
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Beans02Test extends Frame{
      public static void main(String[] args){
        new Beans02Test();
      }//end main
      public Beans02Test(){//constructor
        setTitle("Copyright 1997, R.G.Baldwin");
        setLayout(new FlowLayout());
        Beans02 myBean = new Beans02();//instantiate a Bean object
        add(myBean);//Add it to the Frame
        System.out.println("Set, get, and display value of 30 in index 2");    
        myBean.setIndexedProperty(2,30);//store value of 30 in index 2
        System.out.println(myBean.getIndexedProperty(2));//get and display it
        System.out.println("Get, display, and modify entire property array");    
        int[] myArray = myBean.getIndexedProperty();//get the entire property array
        for(int cnt = 0; cnt < myArray.length; cnt++){
          System.out.println(myArray[cnt]); //display it
          myArray[cnt] = cnt;//modify it
        }//end for loop
          "Using modified array, set, get, and display entire property array");    
        myBean.setIndexedProperty(myArray);//set property with modified array
        myArray = myBean.getIndexedProperty();//get the entire property array
        for(int cnt = 0; cnt < myArray.length; cnt++)
          System.out.println(myArray[cnt]); //display the modified version
        this.addWindowListener(new Terminate());//terminate when Frame is closed    
      }//end constructor
    }//end class
    class Terminate extends WindowAdapter{
      public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){
        System.exit(0);//terminate the program when the window is closed  
      }//end windowClosing
    }//end class Terminate