December 2, 2008
By Richard G. Baldwin
Java Programming Notes # 342
This is the second lesson in a series designed to teach you how to write Java programs to do things like:
If you have ever wondered how to do these things, you've come to the right place.
I recommend that you open another copy of this document in a separate browser window and use the following links to easily find and view the figures and listings while you are reading about them.
I recommend that you also study the other lessons in my extensive collection of online programming tutorials. You will find a consolidated index at
In this series of lessons, I will present and explain many of the classes in a multimedia class library that was developed and released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License (see Resources) by Mark Guzdial and Barbara Ericson at Georgia Institute of Technology. In doing this, I will also present some interesting sample programs that use the library.
In some cases, I will use a free lightweight Java IDE named DrJava (see Resources). This IDE is useful because it provides an interactive Java programming mode. The interactive mode makes it easy to "try things out" without the requirement to write and compile a complete Java application. (The IDE also provides a typical Java text editor, access to the Java compiler and runtime engine, a debugger, etc.)
Even though I will sometimes use DrJava, you should be able to use any Java IDE (for the non-interactive material) to compile and execute my sample programs so long as you set the classpath to include the multimedia class library. You should also be able to avoid the use of a Java IDE altogether if you choose to do so. You can create the source code files using a simple text editor, and then compile and execute the sample programs from the command line using a batch file.
I explained how to download, install, and test both the multimedia class library and the DrJava IDE in the earlier lesson titled Multimedia Programming with Java, Getting Started (see Resources).
I also explained how to create a Windows batch file that you can use to set the classpath and run programs that use the multimedia library in the total absence of an IDE.
In this lesson, I will explain the behavior of the Turtle class, and will partially explain the behavior of its superclass named SimpleTurtle.
In particular, I will explain the purpose of a number of the instance and class variables that are declared in the SimpleTurtle class. I will also explain all five overloaded constructors in the SimpleTurtle class.
There are more than fifty methods defined in the SimpleTurtle class. Arguably, the most complex method is the method named paintComponent. The complexity of most of the other methods pales in comparison with the paintComponent method.
The paintComponent method and the other two methods in the following list are the methods that are primarily responsible for displaying a turtle and its pen on either a World object or a Picture object. Thus, these three methods are critical to the SimpleTurtle class.
I will explain the updateDisplay method and the paintComponent method in this lesson. I will explain the drop method and many of the remaining methods in the next lesson.
I'm going to begin by explaining a sample program named StartupTest01 from the previous lesson. This program places a Turtle object in a World object and then causes the turtle to move forward and draw a line.
Source code for the program
The source code for this program is shown in its entirety in Listing 17 near the end of the lesson. The screen output produced by the program is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Output from StartupTest01.
The interesting part of the source code
The interesting part of the source code is repeated for viewing convenience in Listing 1. As you can see, this is a very simple program consisting only of a main method that contains three statements.
Listing 1. Main class definition for the program named StartupTest01.
public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args){ World mars = new World(200,300); Turtle joe = new Turtle(mars); joe.forward(); }//end main }//end class |
Create the world
The first statement in Listing 1 instantiates a new object of the class World (from the multimedia library) with dimensions of 200 pixels by 300 pixels. (I will explain the World class in a future lesson.) A reference to the World object is stored in the variable named mars. This World object is represented by the JFrame object (without the turtle) shown in Figure 1.
Create the turtle
You will see shortly that there are four overloaded constructors for the Turtle class. Two of those constructors require a reference to an object of the class Picture as an incoming parameter. (I will explain the Picture class in a future lesson.) The other two constructors require an incoming parameter that is a reference to an object that implements the ModelDisplay interface. According to the documentation for the version of the library that I am currently using, the only class that implements the ModelDisplay interface is the class named World. Therefore, as of this time, the constructors for the Turtle class require an incoming parameter that is either a reference to a Picture object or a World object.
The second statement in Listing 1 instantiates an object of the Turtle class, passing a reference to the World object as a parameter. This constructor causes the turtle to appear in the center of the world shown in Figure 1.
Move the turtle forward
Also as you will see later, the Turtle class inherits a method named forward() from its immediate superclass named SimpleTurtle. This method causes the turtle to move forward by 100 pixels. Thus, the third statement in Listing 1 causes the turtle to move from the center of the world to the position shown in Figure 1. As you can see from Figure 1, when a turtle moves forward, it draws a thin line by default. I will have more to say about this later.
A complete listing of the Turtle class is provided in Listing 18 near the end of the lesson. This listing is essentially the same as the original class in the multimedia class library. The only changes that I made were cosmetic in nature, mainly to force the source code to fit into this narrow publication format.
Two overloaded constructors for the Turtle class
Listing 2 shows the beginning of the class definition and two of the four overloaded constructors for the Turtle class. (Note that the Turtle class extends the SimpleTurtle class.)
Listing 2. Two overloaded constructors for the Turtle class.
public class Turtle extends SimpleTurtle{ public Turtle (ModelDisplay modelDisplay){ //Let the parent constructor handle it super(modelDisplay); }//end constructor public Turtle(int x,int y,ModelDisplay modelDisplayer){ super(x,y,modelDisplayer); }//end constructor |
The constructor with a single ModelDisplay parameter
The first constructor shown in Listing 2 receives a single incoming parameter of type ModelDisplay and uses the super keyword to pass it along to the corresponding constructor for the superclass named SimpleTurtle. We will understand more about what is going on here when we examine the constructors for the SimpleTurtle class.
Note that this is the constructor that was used to instantiate the Turtle object in Listing 1, which passed a reference to an object of the World class to the Turtle constructor. As you will see later, this constructor places the turtle in the center of the world by default.
The constructor with three parameters
The second constructor in Listing 2 requires a pair of horizontal and vertical coordinates in addition to the ModelDisplay object. All three parameters are simply passed to the corresponding constructor in the SimpleTurtle class. As you will see later, this constructor places the turtle at a location in the world specified by the coordinate values.
Turtle constructors that require a Picture object
It is also possible to place a turtle in a Picture object and use it to draw on the picture. The two constructors that are used to place a turtle in a picture are shown in Listing 3.
Listing 3. Turtle constructors that require a Picture object.
public Turtle (int x, int y, Picture picture){ super(x,y,picture); }//end constructor public Turtle (Picture p){ super(p); }//end constructor }//end Turtle class definition |
As before, both constructors pass their incoming parameters to the corresponding constructors for the superclass named SimpleTurtle. Also as before, one constructor causes the turtle to be placed in the center of the picture and the other constructor makes it possible for the programmer to specify the initial location of the turtle in the picture.
The end of the Turtle class definition
Listing 3 also signals the end of the class definition for the Turtle class.
A complete listing of the SimpleTurtle class is provided in Listing 19. Once again, this listing is essentially the same as the original class in the multimedia class library. The only changes that I made were cosmetic in nature, mainly to force the source code to fit into this narrow publication format.
According to the author, this class represents a Logo-style turtle, which starts off facing north.
A turtle can have a name, has a starting x and y position, has a heading, has a width, has a height, has a visible flag, has a body color, can have a shell color, and has a pen.
The turtle will not go beyond the model display or picture boundaries.
You can display this turtle in either a Picture object or in an object that implements ModelDisplay such as a World object.
Will discuss in fragments
As you can see from Listing 19, this is a large class. As is my custom, I will break the class down and discuss it in fragments.
Listing 4 shows the beginning of the SimpleTurtle class along with a large number of variable declarations.
Listing 4. Beginning of SimpleTurtle class with variable declarations.
import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.font.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.util.Observer; import java.util.Random; public class SimpleTurtle{ ///////////////// fields //////////////////////// /** count of the number of turtles created */ private static int numTurtles = 0; /** array of colors to use for the turtles */ private static Color[] colorArray = {, Color.cyan,new Color(204,0,204),Color.gray}; /** who to notify about changes to this turtle */ private ModelDisplay modelDisplay = null; /** picture to draw this turtle on */ private Picture picture = null; /** width of turtle in pixels */ private int width = 15; /** height of turtle in pixels */ private int height = 18; /** current location in x (center) */ private int xPos = 0; /** current location in y (center) */ private int yPos = 0; /** heading angle */ private double heading = 0; // default is facing north /** pen to use for this turtle */ private Pen pen = new Pen(); /** color to draw the body in */ private Color bodyColor = null; /** color to draw the shell in */ private Color shellColor = null; /** color of information string */ private Color infoColor =; /** flag to say if this turtle is visible */ private boolean visible = true; /** flag to say if should show turtle info */ private boolean showInfo = false; /** the name of this turtle */ private String name = "No name"; |
This class extends Object by default, thereby inheriting only the eleven methods that are defined in the Object class.
The purpose of most of the variables is adequately explained by the embedded comments. In addition, the purpose of the variables will become clearer in the following discussion of the behavior of an object of the SimpleTurtle class.
A common constructor
The first of five overloaded constructors is shown in Listing 5.
Listing 5. A common constructor.
public SimpleTurtle(int x, int y){ xPos = x; yPos = y; bodyColor = colorArray[numTurtles % colorArray.length]; setPenColor(bodyColor); numTurtles++; }//end constructor |
This is a common constructor. By this, I mean that this constructor is called by each of the other four constructors.
This constructor sets the values of four properties of the new turtle and increments a static turtle counter variable by:
Constructor for a specified position in a World object
As mentioned earlier, a turtle can be displayed either in an object of the class Picture, or in an object that implements the ModelDisplay interface (World). For the version of the multimedia class library that I am using, the only class that implements the ModelDisplay interface is the class named World. (Presumably, the authors are leaving open the option to display turtles in objects of currently undefined classes that implement the ModelDisplay interface.)
The addModel method of a World object
I will explain both the World class and the Picture class in a future lesson. What you need to know for now is that an object of the World class has a method named addModel. This method receives an incoming parameter of type Object and adds it to an ArrayList collection that is constrained through generics to store only objects of type Turtle. Then, depending on the value of a boolean variable belonging to the World object, the World object may or may not repaint itself on the screen to display the turtle.
The constructor in Listing 6 receives the initial x and y position coordinates along with a reference to the World in which the turtle is to be displayed.
Listing 6. Constructor for a specified position in a World object.
public SimpleTurtle(int x, int y, ModelDisplay display){ this(x,y); // invoke constructor that takes x and y modelDisplay = display; display.addModel(this); }//end constructor |
Call the common constructor
This constructor begins by using the this keyword to call the common constructor shown in Listing 5, passing the x and y position coordinates as parameters. If you are unfamiliar with this usage of the keyword this, see The Essence of OOP using Java, The this and super Keywords in Resources.
Save a reference to the world
When the common constructor returns, Listing 6 saves the incoming reference to the World object in an instance variable named modelDisplay for future reference. In other words, each turtle knows which world it belongs to.
Add the turtle to the world
Finally, Listing 6 calls the addModel method of the World object to cause this turtle object to be added to the list of turtles being displayed by that world.
Constructor for default position in a World object
The constructor in Listing 7 is similar to the constructor in Listing 6 with the difference being that instead of receiving the initial x and y position coordinates, they are computed to be the center of the World object.
Listing 7. Constructor for default position in a World object.
public SimpleTurtle(ModelDisplay display){ // invoke constructor that takes x and y this((int) (display.getWidth() / 2), (int) (display.getHeight() / 2)); modelDisplay = display; display.addModel(this); }//end constructor |
Constructor for a specified position in a Picture object
The default value for the variable named visible in Listing 4 is true. As a result, when you add a turtle to a world and repaint the world, the turtle is visible by default.
Apparently the primary purpose of the use of Turtle objects with Picture objects is not to display turtles in pictures, but rather is to use a turtle to make line drawings on a picture.
The constructor in Listing 8 is similar to the constructor in Listing 6, but there are differences.
Listing 8. Constructor for a specified position in a Picture object.
public SimpleTurtle(int x, int y, Picture picture){ this(x,y); // invoke constructor that takes x and y this.picture = picture; this.visible = false;//default is not to see turtle }//end constructor |
Call the common constructor
As before, Listing 8 calls the common constructor shown in Listing 5 for the purpose discussed earlier. When the common constructor returns, Listing 8 saves a reference to the Picture object on which it is to draw.
Then unlike the case for the World object shown in Listing 6, Listing 8 causes the turtle to be invisible by default. Also, unlike the case for the World object, the constructor in Listing 8 does not add itself to the picture. (We will learn a little more about how the turtle behaves relative to a picture later in this lesson and will learn even more when we discuss the Picture class in a future lesson.)
Constructor for the default position in a Picture object
Finally, Listing 9 shows the constructor for an invisible turtle that is positioned in the center of a specified Picture object.
Listing 9. Constructor for the default position in a Picture object.
public SimpleTurtle(Picture picture){ // invoke constructor that takes x and y this((int) (picture.getWidth() / 2), (int) (picture.getHeight() / 2)); this.picture = picture; this.visible = false;//default is not to see turtle }//end constructor |
By now, it shouldn't be necessary for me to provide a further explanation of Listing 9.
The painting and drawing methods
More than fifty methods are defined in the SimpleTurtle class. The code in some of the methods is very simple while the code in other methods is somewhat complex.
Fortunately, it is possible to group the methods into several groups of related methods in order to organize them in your mind. Perhaps the most basic group and arguably the most complex group includes methods that cause the turtle and other images to be displayed on the world or on the picture. That group includes the following methods:
The updateDisplay method is called by many other methods to cause the turtle or the line produced by the turtle's pen to be displayed if certain conditions are met. When it is determined that the display does need to be updated, the paintComponent method is called to control how the turtle or the line produced by the turtle's pen is displayed on the screen.
Apparently paintComponent is not an overridden method
Normally, I would refer to the paintComponent method as an overridden method because it is defined in many classes (such as the JComponent class) and inherited in and overridden in subclasses. However, the SimpleTurtle class extends the Object class and therefore does not inherit a method named paintComponent. In this case, the paintComponent method is a stand-alone method that is intended to do essentially the same thing as overridden versions of the method in other classes.
The drop method
The drop method is different from the other two. It doesn't draw a turtle. Instead it draws a Picture object on the primary Picture object or on the World object at the turtle's current location and with the same orientation as the turtle. This makes it possible to cause some other image to be displayed at the current location of a turtle. You could use this, for example to create a mosaic of images.
The updateDisplay method, which begins in Listing 10, causes the display of the turtle to be updated under certain conditions and also makes certain that the turtle is within the bounds of the world or the picture.
Listing 10. Beginning of the updateDisplay method.
public synchronized void updateDisplay(){ // check that x and y are at least 0 if (xPos < 0) xPos = 0; if (yPos < 0) yPos = 0; |
The updateDisplay method begins in Listing 10 by setting the position coordinate values to 0 if they are negative.
Update display for a picture
Listing 11 updates the display for the case where the turtle is being used to draw on a picture.
Listing 11. Update display for a picture.
if (picture != null){ if (xPos >= picture.getWidth()) xPos = picture.getWidth() - 1; if (yPos >= picture.getHeight()) yPos = picture.getHeight() - 1; Graphics g = picture.getGraphics(); paintComponent(g); }//end if |
Listing 11 begins by modify the x and y position coordinates if the turtle is not within the bounds of the picture. This makes certain that the turtle remains within the bounds of the picture.
Get a Graphics object on the Picture
Then Listing 11 calls the getGraphics method on the Picture object to get a graphics object on which to draw the turtle.
Conceptually, you can think of the Graphics object as representing the portion of the screen that currently belongs to your program. Material that you draw on the Graphics object will appear on the screen.
Call paintComponent method
Finally, Listing 11 calls the paintComponent method to control how the turtle or the line produced by the turtle's pen is displayed on the screen. I will have much more to say about the paintComponent method later.
Update display for a world
The code in Listing 12 is executed for the case where the turtle has been added to a World object.
Listing 12. Update display for a world.
else if (modelDisplay != null){ if (xPos >= modelDisplay.getWidth()) xPos = modelDisplay.getWidth() - 1; if (yPos >= modelDisplay.getHeight()) yPos = modelDisplay.getHeight() - 1; modelDisplay.modelChanged(); }//end else if }//end updateDisplay |
As before, Listing 12 begins by guaranteeing that the position of the turtle is within the bounds of the world.
Make a callback to the world
Then, unlike the case in Listing 11, Listing 12 doesn't cause the turtle object to be repainted. Instead, Listing 12 calls the modelChanged method on the World object to notify the world that some aspect of the image of the turtle has changed. It is left up to the world object to decide whether or not to redraw the turtle at that point in time.
Either then, or sometime later, the world object causes the turtle's paintComponent method to be called to cause it to be redrawn in its then-current configuration.
The beginning of the paintComponent method is shown in Listing 13.
Listing 13. Beginning of the paintComponent method.
public synchronized void paintComponent(Graphics g){ Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; |
This is arguably the most complex method in the entire SimpleTurtle class.
If you examine the code in this class and the class named World, you will find that every time the paintComponent method is called on a turtle, a reference to an object of type Graphics is passed as a parameter. (Otherwise, a type mismatch error would occur.) The Graphics object either represents the graphics context for an object of type World or the graphics context for an object of type Picture. (See Listing 11 for example.) As I described earlier, this Graphics object can be thought of as representing the object onto with material is to be drawn.
Cast the reference to type Graphics2D
Listing 13 immediately casts the reference from type Graphics to type Graphics2D and saves the reference in a variable named g2. What is this all about? For the whole story on this, see the thirteen lessons beginning with lesson number 300 in Resources. Briefly, however, the Graphics2D class is a subclass of the Graphics class, which provides enhanced drawing capability that is not provided by the Graphics class.
The reference that is received by the paintComponent method is actually a reference to an object of the Graphics2D class, but in order to maintain backward compatibility with legacy code, it is passed as type Graphics. To access the expanded capability, you must cast a Graphics reference to a Graphics2D reference before calling methods from the Graphics2D class on that reference.
What is an affine transform?
You will need to understand affine transforms to really understand the code that we are about to encounter. You can learn all about affine transforms in my earlier lesson titled Java 2D Graphics, Simple Affine Transforms (see Resources). I'm not going to repeat that information here, but I will attempt to describe the use of an affine transform to draw the turtle in a specific position with a specific orientation.
Although Figure 1 shows the turtle facing due north, we will explore methods of the SimpleTurtle class later that make it possible to cause a turtle to face in any direction while being located anywhere inside the world or the picture.
As you will see shortly, the paintComponent method actually draws the turtle as a set of six overlapping filled ovals. The shell is a large filled oval while the legs are constructed of smaller filled ovals. Maybe it would make it easier to understand what is going on to think of the turtle as being constructed as a set of six overlapping filled rectangles with a large rectangle for the shell and five smaller rectangles for the head and legs.
How would you...?
The question is, how would you draw a rectangle for which the sides are not parallel to the horizontal and vertical axes? The answer is that you would probably do something like the following:
This is a transform process
The process shown above is often called a transform. Although a lot more coordinate values must be dealt with to translate and rotate a filled oval than is required to translate and rotate a rectangle, the process is essentially the same regardless of the geometric shape.
Creating a transform
Using various methods of the Graphics2D class, you can create a transform that will automatically be applied to all geometric shapes that you draw on a graphics context (a Graphics2D object). In this case, we are interested in translation and rotation only, but you can also incorporate scaling and shear into the transform if needed.
A default affine transform
Every Graphics2D object contains an AffineTransform object that automatically performs the following operations whenever you draw on the object:
By default, the transform is a "do nothing" transform. In other words, by default, your drawing data is not scaled, translated, sheared, or rotated. However, if you need to do any of those operations, you can modify the default transform to perform any or all of them. In this case, we will modify the default transform to apply rotation and translation to the coordinate values that are used to draw the filled ovals that represent the turtle.
Is the turtle visible?
Most of the remaining code in the paintComponent method is executed only if the turtle is intended to be visible. However, as you will see later, the code required to draw the line produced by the pen is executed even if the turtle is invisible.
Modify the current transform
Listing 14 begins by getting and saving a reference to the affine transform that currently belongs to the graphics context. The transform will be restored to this value later before the paintComponent method returns.
Listing 14. Modify the current transform.
if (visible){//if the turtle is visible // save the current transform AffineTransform oldTransform = g2.getTransform(); g2.rotate(Math.toRadians(heading),xPos,yPos); |
Then Listing 14 calls the rotate method to cause the current transform to be modified to one that will apply a rotation equal to the number of degrees stored in the variable named heading and a translation to the current position of the turtle. Later on, we will see the methods that are called to cause the value stored in heading to change. For now, suffice it to say that this is an angle in degrees that specifies the direction that the turtle is facing. Therefore, it must be converted to radians in Listing 14 to satisfy the angle requirements of the rotate method.
Rotate, translate, and draw ovals that represent the turtle
Having established the required rotation transform, Listing 15 draws six filled ovals for the shell, head, and legs of the turtle.
Listing 15. Rotate, translate, and draw ovals that represent the turtle.
// determine the half width and height of the shell int halfWidth = (int) (width/2); // of shell int halfHeight = (int) (height/2); // of shell int quarterWidth = (int) (width/4); // of shell int thirdHeight = (int) (height/3); // of shell int thirdWidth = (int) (width/3); // of shell // draw the body parts (head) g2.setColor(bodyColor); g2.fillOval(xPos - quarterWidth, yPos - halfHeight - (int) (height/3), halfWidth, thirdHeight); g2.fillOval(xPos - (2 * thirdWidth), yPos - thirdHeight, thirdWidth,thirdHeight); g2.fillOval(xPos - (int) (1.6 * thirdWidth), yPos + thirdHeight, thirdWidth,thirdHeight); g2.fillOval(xPos + (int) (1.3 * thirdWidth), yPos - thirdHeight, thirdWidth,thirdHeight); g2.fillOval(xPos + (int) (0.9 * thirdWidth), yPos + thirdHeight, thirdWidth,thirdHeight); // draw the shell g2.setColor(getShellColor()); g2.fillOval(xPos - halfWidth, yPos - halfHeight, width, height); |
The fillOval method
The calls to the fillOval method in Listing 15 assume that each oval is contained in a bounding rectangle whose sides are parallel to the horizontal and vertical axis. It is the affine transform that causes the ovals to be rotated, immediately prior to drawing, when rotation is required.
You will find the fillOval method in the Graphics class. I'm going to leave it up to you to use the documentation and analyze the code in Listing 15 to satisfy yourself that these six filled ovals will produce a (possibly rotated) turtle that looks like the turtle shown in Figure 1. (As you may already have guessed, the calls to the setColor method establish the colors in which the different parts of the turtle will be drawn.) The color, width, and height variables used in the arithmetic are declared in Listing 4.
Remainder of the paintComponent method
The remainder of the paintComponent method is shown in Listing 16.
Listing 16. Remainder of the paintComponent method.
// draw the info string if the flag is true if (showInfo) drawInfoString(g2); // reset the transformation matrix g2.setTransform(oldTransform); }//end if // draw the pen pen.paintComponent(g); }//end paintComponent |
The code in Listing 16 performs the following operations:
I will have more to say about the paintComponent method belonging to a Pen object in a future lesson.
It's time for a break
I don't know about you, but my brain is just about saturated at this point. I think it is time to call a halt to this lesson and to pick up with the remaining methods of the SimpleTurtle class in the next lesson. Fortunately, most of those methods will be somewhat easier to understand than the PaintComponent method.
I encourage you to copy the code from Listing 17, compile the code, and execute it. Experiment with the code, making changes, and observing the results of your changes. Make certain that you can explain why your changes behave as they do.
In this lesson, I explained the behavior of the Turtle class, and partially explained the behavior of its superclass named SimpleTurtle.
I explained the purpose of a number of the instance and class variables that are declared in the SimpleTurtle class. I also explained all five overloaded constructors in the SimpleTurtle class.
The most complex method of more than 50 methods in the class is the method named paintComponent.
The paintComponent method and the other two methods in the following list are the methods that are primarily responsible for displaying a turtle and its pen on either a World object or a Picture object. Thus, these three methods are critical to the SimpleTurtle class.
I explained the updateDisplay method and the paintComponent method.
I will begin the next lesson with an explanation of the drop method. Then I will explain another fundamental group of methods, which includes the methods that cause a turtle to face in a particular direction. That group includes the following methods:
After that, I will probably explain the methods that are used to cause a turtle to move around in a world or a picture. This includes the following methods:
It remains to be seen where I will go from there.
Listing 17. Source code for the program named StartupTest01.
/** *StartupTest01 * The purpose of this program is to test such items as * the classpath, the media path, etc. * * 10/10/08 Compiles and runs OK on my laptop computer. * * Displays a turtle in a world and moves it forward by * 100 pixels. * * Note that the program does not terminate when you * click the X button in the frame. * * Based on a program by Barbara Ericson that is: * Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004-2005 */ public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args){ World mars = new World(200,300); Turtle joe = new Turtle(mars); joe.forward(); }//end main }//end class |
Listing 18. The multimedia library class named Turtle.
/** * Class that represents a turtle which is similar to a * Logo turtle. * This class inherits from SimpleTurtle and is for * students to add methods to. * * Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004 * @author Barb Ericson */ public class Turtle extends SimpleTurtle{ ////////////////// constructors /////////////////////// /** Constructor that takes the x and y and a picture to * draw on * @param x the starting x position * @param y the starting y position * @param picture the picture to draw on */ public Turtle (int x, int y, Picture picture){ // let the parent constructor handle it super(x,y,picture); } /** Constructor that takes the x and y and a model * display to draw it on * @param x the starting x position * @param y the starting y position * @param modelDisplayer the thing that displays the * model */ public Turtle(int x,int y,ModelDisplay modelDisplayer){ // let the parent constructor handle it super(x,y,modelDisplayer); } /** Constructor that takes the model display * @param modelDisplay the thing that displays the model */ public Turtle (ModelDisplay modelDisplay){ // let the parent constructor handle it super(modelDisplay); } /** * Constructor that takes a picture to draw on * @param p the picture to draw on */ public Turtle (Picture p){ // let the parent constructor handle it super(p); } /////////////////// methods /////////////////////// } //This is the end of class Turtle, put all new methods // before this |
Listing 19. The multimedia library class named SimpleTurtle.
import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.font.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import java.util.Observer; import java.util.Random; /** * Class that represents a Logo-style turtle. The turtle * starts off facing north. * A turtle can have a name, has a starting x and y * position, has a heading, has a width, has a height, * has a visible flag, has a body color, can have a shell * color, and has a pen. * The turtle will not go beyond the model display or * picture boundaries. * * You can display this turtle in either a picture or in * a class that implements ModelDisplay. * * Copyright Georgia Institute of Technology 2004 * @author Barb Ericson */ public class SimpleTurtle{ ///////////////// fields //////////////////////// /** count of the number of turtles created */ private static int numTurtles = 0; /** array of colors to use for the turtles */ private static Color[] colorArray = {, Color.cyan,new Color(204,0,204),Color.gray}; /** who to notify about changes to this turtle */ private ModelDisplay modelDisplay = null; /** picture to draw this turtle on */ private Picture picture = null; /** width of turtle in pixels */ private int width = 15; /** height of turtle in pixels */ private int height = 18; /** current location in x (center) */ private int xPos = 0; /** current location in y (center) */ private int yPos = 0; /** heading angle */ private double heading = 0; // default is facing north /** pen to use for this turtle */ private Pen pen = new Pen(); /** color to draw the body in */ private Color bodyColor = null; /** color to draw the shell in */ private Color shellColor = null; /** color of information string */ private Color infoColor =; /** flag to say if this turtle is visible */ private boolean visible = true; /** flag to say if should show turtle info */ private boolean showInfo = false; /** the name of this turtle */ private String name = "No name"; ////////////////// constructors /////////////////// /** * Constructor that takes the x and y position for the * turtle * @param x the x pos * @param y the y pos */ public SimpleTurtle(int x, int y){ xPos = x; yPos = y; bodyColor = colorArray[numTurtles % colorArray.length]; setPenColor(bodyColor); numTurtles++; }//end constructor /** * Constructor that takes the x and y position and the * model displayer * @param x the x pos * @param y the y pos * @param display the model display */ public SimpleTurtle(int x, int y, ModelDisplay display){ this(x,y); // invoke constructor that takes x and y modelDisplay = display; display.addModel(this); }//end constructor /** * Constructor that takes a model display and adds * a turtle in the middle of it * @param display the model display */ public SimpleTurtle(ModelDisplay display){ // invoke constructor that takes x and y this((int) (display.getWidth() / 2), (int) (display.getHeight() / 2)); modelDisplay = display; display.addModel(this); }//end constructor /** * Constructor that takes the x and y position and the * picture to draw on * @param x the x pos * @param y the y pos * @param picture the picture to draw on */ public SimpleTurtle(int x, int y, Picture picture){ this(x,y); // invoke constructor that takes x and y this.picture = picture; this.visible = false;//default is not to see turtle }//end constructor /** * Constructor that takes the * picture to draw on and will appear in the middle * @param picture the picture to draw on */ public SimpleTurtle(Picture picture){ // invoke constructor that takes x and y this((int) (picture.getWidth() / 2), (int) (picture.getHeight() / 2)); this.picture = picture; this.visible = false;//default is not to see turtle }//end constructor //////////////////// methods ///////////////////////// /** * Get the distance from the passed x and y location * @param x the x location * @param y the y location */ public double getDistance(int x, int y){ int xDiff = x - xPos; int yDiff = y - yPos; return (Math.sqrt((xDiff * xDiff) + (yDiff * yDiff))); }//end getDistance /** * Method to turn to face another simple turtle */ public void turnToFace(SimpleTurtle turtle){ turnToFace(turtle.xPos,turtle.yPos); }//turnToFace /** * Method to turn towards the given x and y * @param x the x to turn towards * @param y the y to turn towards */ public void turnToFace(int x, int y){ double dx = x - this.xPos; double dy = y - this.yPos; double arcTan = 0.0; double angle = 0.0; // avoid a divide by 0 if (dx == 0){ // if below the current turtle if (dy > 0) heading = 180; // if above the current turtle else if (dy < 0) heading = 0; } // dx isn't 0 so can divide by it else{ arcTan = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(dy/dx)); if (dx < 0) heading = arcTan - 90; else heading = arcTan + 90; }//end else // notify the display that we need to repaint updateDisplay(); }//end turnToFace /** * Method to get the picture for this simple turtle * @return the picture for this turtle (may be null) */ public Picture getPicture() { return this.picture; } /** * Method to set the picture for this simple turtle * @param pict the picture to use */ public void setPicture(Picture pict){ this.picture = pict; }//end setPicture /** * Method to get the model display for this simple * turtle. * @return the model display if there is one else null */ public ModelDisplay getModelDisplay(){ return this.modelDisplay; }//end getModelDisplay /** * Method to set the model display for this simple * turtle. * @param theModelDisplay the model display to use */ public void setModelDisplay( ModelDisplay theModelDisplay){ this.modelDisplay = theModelDisplay; }//end setModelDisplay /** * Method to get value of show info * @return true if should show info, else false */ public boolean getShowInfo(){return this.showInfo;} /** * Method to show the turtle information string * @param value the value to set showInfo to */ public void setShowInfo(boolean value){ this.showInfo = value; }//end setShowInfo /** * Method to get the shell color * @return the shell color */ public Color getShellColor(){ Color color = null; if(this.shellColor == null && this.bodyColor != null) color = bodyColor.darker(); else color = this.shellColor; return color; }//end getShellColor /** * Method to set the shell color * @param color the color to use */ public void setShellColor(Color color){ this.shellColor = color; }//setShellColor /** * Method to get the body color * @return the body color */ public Color getBodyColor(){return this.bodyColor;} /** * Method to set the body color which * will also set the pen color * @param color the color to use */ public void setBodyColor(Color color){ this.bodyColor = color; setPenColor(this.bodyColor); }//end setBodyColor /** * Method to set the color of the turtle. * This will set the body color * @param color the color to use */ public void setColor(Color color){ this.setBodyColor(color); }//end setColor /** * Method to get the information color * @return the color of the information string */ public Color getInfoColor(){return this.infoColor;} /** * Method to set the information color * @param color the new color to use */ public void setInfoColor(Color color){ this.infoColor = color; }//setInfoColor /** * Method to return the width of this object * @return the width in pixels */ public int getWidth(){return this.width;} /** * Method to return the height of this object * @return the height in pixels */ public int getHeight(){return this.height;} /** * Method to set the width of this object * @param theWidth in width in pixels */ public void setWidth(int theWidth){ this.width = theWidth; }//end setWidth /** * Method to set the height of this object * @param theHeight the height in pixels */ public void setHeight(int theHeight){ this.height = theHeight; }//end setHeight /** * Method to get the current x position * @return the x position (in pixels) */ public int getXPos(){return this.xPos;} /** * Method to get the current y position * @return the y position (in pixels) */ public int getYPos(){return this.yPos;} /** * Method to get the pen * @return the pen */ public Pen getPen(){return this.pen;} /** * Method to set the pen * @param thePen the new pen to use */ public void setPen(Pen thePen){this.pen = thePen;} /** * Method to check if the pen is down * @return true if down else false */ public boolean isPenDown(){return this.pen.isPenDown();} /** * Method to set the pen down boolean variable * @param value the value to set it to */ public void setPenDown(boolean value){ this.pen.setPenDown(value); }//end setPenDown /** * Method to lift the pen up */ public void penUp(){this.pen.setPenDown(false);} /** * Method to set the pen down */ public void penDown(){this.pen.setPenDown(true);} /** * Method to get the pen color * @return the pen color */ public Color getPenColor(){return this.pen.getColor();} /** * Method to set the pen color * @param color the color for the pen ink */ public void setPenColor(Color color){ this.pen.setColor(color); }//end setPenColor /** * Method to set the pen width * @param width the width to use in pixels */ public void setPenWidth(int width){ this.pen.setWidth(width); }//end setPenWidth /** * Method to get the pen width * @return the width of the pen in pixels */ public int getPenWidth(){return this.pen.getWidth();} /** * Method to clear the path (history of * where the turtle has been) */ public void clearPath(){ this.pen.clearPath(); }//end clearPath /** * Method to get the current heading * @return the heading in degrees */ public double getHeading(){return this.heading;} /** * Method to set the heading * @param heading the new heading to use */ public void setHeading(double heading){ this.heading = heading; }//end setHeading /** * Method to get the name of the turtle * @return the name of this turtle */ public String getName(){return;} /** * Method to set the name of the turtle * @param theName the new name to use */ public void setName(String theName){ = theName; }//end setName /** * Method to get the value of the visible flag * @return true if visible else false */ public boolean isVisible(){return this.visible;} /** * Method to hide the turtle (stop showing it) * This doesn't affect the pen status */ public void hide(){this.setVisible(false);} /** * Method to show the turtle (doesn't affect * the pen status */ public void show(){this.setVisible(true);} /** * Method to set the visible flag * @param value the value to set it to */ public void setVisible(boolean value){ // if the turtle wasn't visible and now is if (visible == false && value == true){ // update the display this.updateDisplay(); }//end if // set the visibile flag to the passed value this.visible = value; }//end setVisible /** * Method to update the display of this turtle and * also check that the turtle is in the bounds */ public synchronized void updateDisplay(){ // check that x and y are at least 0 if (xPos < 0) xPos = 0; if (yPos < 0) yPos = 0; // if picture if (picture != null){ if (xPos >= picture.getWidth()) xPos = picture.getWidth() - 1; if (yPos >= picture.getHeight()) yPos = picture.getHeight() - 1; Graphics g = picture.getGraphics(); paintComponent(g); }//end if else if (modelDisplay != null){ if (xPos >= modelDisplay.getWidth()) xPos = modelDisplay.getWidth() - 1; if (yPos >= modelDisplay.getHeight()) yPos = modelDisplay.getHeight() - 1; modelDisplay.modelChanged(); }//end else if }//end updateDisplay /** * Method to move the turtle foward 100 pixels */ public void forward(){forward(100);} /** * Method to move the turtle forward the given number * of pixels * @param pixels the number of pixels to walk forward in * the heading direction */ public void forward(int pixels){ int oldX = xPos; int oldY = yPos; // change the current position xPos = oldX + (int)(pixels * Math.sin(Math.toRadians( heading))); yPos = oldY + (int)(pixels * -Math.cos(Math.toRadians( heading))); // add a move from the old position to the new // position to the pen pen.addMove(oldX,oldY,xPos,yPos); // update the display to show the new line updateDisplay(); }//end forward /** * Method to go backward by 100 pixels */ public void backward(){backward(100);} /** * Method to go backward a given number of pixels * @param pixels the number of pixels to walk backward */ public void backward(int pixels){ forward(-pixels); }//end backward /** * Method to move to turtle to the given x and y * location * @param x the x value to move to * @param y the y value to move to */ public void moveTo(int x, int y){ this.pen.addMove(xPos,yPos,x,y); this.xPos = x; this.yPos = y; this.updateDisplay(); }//end moveTo /** * Method to turn left */ public void turnLeft(){this.turn(-90);} /** * Method to turn right */ public void turnRight(){this.turn(90);} /** * Method to turn the turtle the passed degrees * use negative to turn left and pos to turn right * @param degrees the amount to turn in degrees */ public void turn(int degrees){ this.heading = (heading + degrees) % 360; this.updateDisplay(); }//end turn /** * Method to draw a passed picture at the current turtle * location and rotation in a picture or model display * @param dropPicture the picture to drop */ public synchronized void drop(Picture dropPicture){ Graphics2D g2 = null; // only do this if drawing on a picture if (picture != null) g2 = (Graphics2D) picture.getGraphics(); else if (modelDisplay != null) g2 = (Graphics2D) modelDisplay.getGraphics(); // if g2 isn't null if (g2 != null){ // save the current tranform AffineTransform oldTransform = g2.getTransform(); // rotate to turtle heading and translate to xPos // and yPos g2.rotate(Math.toRadians(heading),xPos,yPos); // draw the passed picture g2.drawImage(dropPicture.getImage(),xPos,yPos,null); // reset the tranformation matrix g2.setTransform(oldTransform); // draw the pen pen.paintComponent(g2); } }//end drop /** * Method to paint the turtle * @param g the graphics context to paint on */ public synchronized void paintComponent(Graphics g){ // cast to 2d object Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; // if the turtle is visible if (visible){ // save the current tranform AffineTransform oldTransform = g2.getTransform(); // rotate the turtle and translate to xPos and yPos g2.rotate(Math.toRadians(heading),xPos,yPos); // determine the half width and height of the shell int halfWidth = (int) (width/2); // of shell int halfHeight = (int) (height/2); // of shell int quarterWidth = (int) (width/4); // of shell int thirdHeight = (int) (height/3); // of shell int thirdWidth = (int) (width/3); // of shell // draw the body parts (head) g2.setColor(bodyColor); g2.fillOval(xPos - quarterWidth, yPos - halfHeight - (int) (height/3), halfWidth, thirdHeight); g2.fillOval(xPos - (2 * thirdWidth), yPos - thirdHeight, thirdWidth,thirdHeight); g2.fillOval(xPos - (int) (1.6 * thirdWidth), yPos + thirdHeight, thirdWidth,thirdHeight); g2.fillOval(xPos + (int) (1.3 * thirdWidth), yPos - thirdHeight, thirdWidth,thirdHeight); g2.fillOval(xPos + (int) (0.9 * thirdWidth), yPos + thirdHeight, thirdWidth,thirdHeight); // draw the shell g2.setColor(getShellColor()); g2.fillOval(xPos - halfWidth, yPos - halfHeight, width, height); // draw the info string if the flag is true if (showInfo) drawInfoString(g2); // reset the tranformation matrix g2.setTransform(oldTransform); }//end if // draw the pen pen.paintComponent(g); }//end paintComponent /** * Method to draw the information string * @param g the graphics context */ public synchronized void drawInfoString(Graphics g){ g.setColor(infoColor); g.drawString( this.toString(),xPos + (int) (width/2),yPos); }//end drawInfoString /** * Method to return a string with information * about this turtle * @return a string with information about this object */ public String toString(){ return + " turtle at " + this.xPos + ", " + this.yPos + " heading " + this.heading + "."; }//end toString } // end of class |
Copyright 2008, Richard G. Baldwin. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission from Richard Baldwin is prohibited.
Richard has participated in numerous consulting projects and he frequently provides onsite training at the high-tech companies located in and around Austin, Texas. He is the author of Baldwin's Programming Tutorials, which have gained a worldwide following among experienced and aspiring programmers. He has also published articles in JavaPro magazine.
In addition to his programming expertise, Richard has many years of practical experience in Digital Signal Processing (DSP). His first job after he earned his Bachelor's degree was doing DSP in the Seismic Research Department of Texas Instruments. (TI is still a world leader in DSP.) In the following years, he applied his programming and DSP expertise to other interesting areas including sonar and underwater acoustics.
Richard holds an MSEE degree from Southern Methodist University and has many years of experience in the application of computer technology to real-world problems.