Richard G Baldwin (512) 223-4758,,

Event Handling in JDK 1.1, Scrollbar (Adjustment) Events

Java Programming, Lecture Notes # 90, Revised 12/18/98.


Students in Prof. Baldwin's Intermediate Java Programming classes at ACC are responsible for knowing and understanding all of the material in this lesson.


JDK 1.1 was formally released on February 18, 1997. This lesson was originally written on February 21, 1997 using the software in JDK 1.1. It was upgraded to JDK 1.2 on 12/18/98.

Possible Bugs in Scrollbar Component

The version of this lesson that was published in February of 1997 listed a number of serious bugs in the JDK 1.1 Scrollbar component. I have now recompiled and retested the program described herein using JDK 1.1.3. Most of the bugs appear to have been corrected. However, a couple of bugs still exist that are described in the program.

The program contains workaround code for one of the bugs identified by the program (incorrect negative values). Note that this bug still exists in JDK 1.1.6 but has been fixed in the first release of JDK 1.2.

The other bug (excessively large positive values) was simply ignored, and can be seen if the program is compiled using JDK 1.1.3 under Windows 95. This bug still exists in JDK 1.1.6 but has been fixed in the first release of JDK 1.2.


Event handling on a Scrollbar object differs from the event handling in previous lessons in several respects. For example, lets contrast the Scrollbar with the Mouse.

To create a listener object for the mouse, you either implement the MouseListener interface, or extend the MouseAdapter class.

However, to create a listener object for a Scrollbar, you do not implement a ScrollbarListener interface or extend a ScrollbarAdapter class, because they do not exist.

Rather, you implement an AdjustmentListener interface. The method declared in the AdjustmentListener interface receives an AdjustmentEvent object as a parameter. This is one of the semantic events (as opposed to low-level events) similar to ActionEvent, ItemEvent, and TextEvent.

Note that there is no AdjustmentAdapter class. It isn't needed because the AdjustmentListener interface declares only one method:

 public abstract void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e)

The adjustmentValueChanged() method is invoked when the value of the adjustable object (the Scrollbar object in this case) has changed.

Recall also that there are five different types of mouse events declared in the MouseListener interface:

Although we haven't discussed them yet, there are two additional types of mouse events which are declared in the MouseMotionListener interface:

Each of these different types of mouse events is represented by a method declaration in one or the other of the two interfaces defined for creating listener classes for mouse activity. You override the method(s) for those types of events which interest you.

There are five different types of adjustment events which correspond to the five ways of moving the bubble in a Scrollbar object. However, as mentioned above, there is only one method declared in the AdjustmentListener interface. It is named adjustmentValueChanged(). It receives an object of type AdjustmentEvent as a parameter when invoked.

The type of event is encoded into the object that is passed in as a parameter along with other information such as the value of the Scrollbar and the name of the Scrollbar object. The value of the Scrollbar is determined by the position of the bubble on the Scrollbar.

The AdjustmentEvent class defines several methods that can be used to extract information from the object in case you need access to that information. This is discussed in more detail later.

The types of adjustment events (corresponding to physical methods of moving the bubble on the Scrollbar) are defined as static variables in the AdjustmentEvent class. (This is similar to the approach used in the earlier event model in JDK 1.0.2.) The five different types of adjustment events and their relationship to moving the bubble are:

UNIT_INCREMENT - click button on one end of the Scrollbar

UNIT_DECREMENT - click button on the other end of the Scrollbar

BLOCK_INCREMENT - click in space between bubble and one button

BLOCK_DECREMENT - click in space between bubble and other button

TRACK - drag the bubble

As indicated, the two UNIT types are generated by clicking on the buttons at either end of the Scrollbar.

The two BLOCK types are generated by clicking interior to the Scrollbar on either side of the bubble.

The TRACK event is generated by dragging the bubble.

Methods are available for setting various parameters of the Scrollbar including the range, the width of the bubble (alternately referred to in the documentation as page size or visible), the size of the unit and block increments or decrements, etc.

One might surmise that this rather general purpose adjustment approach was defined to support a family of components that operate on an adjustment basis. However, a quick search of the index in the JDK 1.1.3 documentation package did not identify any other components that use the adjustment interface. Perhaps other adjustable objects are planned for future versions of the AWT.

The Sample Program

This section presents a discussion of the program followed by the program listing.


This program places a Scrollbar object and a TextField object in a Frame. Whenever the bubble in the Scrollbar is moved using any of the five available physical methods for moving the bubble, the value of the Scrollbar (which normally should represent the position of the center of the bubble) is extracted from the event object and displayed in the TextField object. (Certain arithmetic corrections are required to cause the value to represent the center of the bubble because the actual value returned represents the left-hand edge of the bubble for a horizontal Scrollbar.)

Also, whenever the bubble is moved, several other pieces of information are extracted from the object and displayed on the screen. This includes the identification of the adjustable object and the type of adjustable event.

Note also that although five different initialization parameters are included as parameters to the Scrollbar constructor, other important initialization parameters such as BlockIncrement and UnitIncrement are not included in the parameter list. They must be set following instantiation using methods such as setBlockIncrement().

Experimentation indicates that the default value for BlockIncrement is ten units and the default value for UnitIncrement is one unit.

Reiterating what was mentioned earlier, the Scrollbar listener object is not added as a ScrollbarListener but rather is defined by implementing the AdjustmentListener interface and then added as an AdjustmentListener.

The AdjustmentListener interface declares only one method that may be overridden: adjustmentValueChanged().

This method receives an object of type AdjustmentEvent which provides four methods that can be used to obtain information about the event.

Three of these four methods are used in the following program. The paramString() method is not used.

There are many important comments in the following program which add to this discussion, particularly with respect to bugs in the Scrollbar component, and arithmetic adjustments required to compensate for the width of the bubble.

Interesting Code Fragments

I begin with a fragment showing the controlling class that contains the requiste main() method. The main() method instantiates an object of type GUI where all of the work is done.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

class Event18{
  public static void main(String[] args){
    GUI gui = new GUI(); 
  }//end main
}//end class Event18

The next fragment shows the beginning of the GUI class along with some instance variables used later in the program.

class GUI{
  Scrollbar myScrollbar;
  TextField displayWindow;
  int bubbleWidth;//needs to be accessible by event handler

The next fragment begins the constructor for the GUI class. The constructor begins by instantiating a Frame object to serve as a top-level window for the application.

This is followed by instantiation of a horizontal Scrollbar object with range from 0 to 100, an initial position at 50, a bubble width (page size) of 20, a unitIncrement of 2, and a blockIncrement of 15.

The Scrollbar component does not center the bubble on the value. Rather, the left edge of the bubble is lined up with the value. The result is that values in the upper end of the range cannot be reached unless appropriate adjustments are made using half the bubble width. This distributes the unreachable values at each end of the Scrollbar. You can then set the min and max values to extend beyond the desired values by one-half the bubble width.

    Frame myFrame = new Frame("Copyright 1997, R.G.Baldwin");

    bubbleWidth = 20;
    int initialPosition = 50 - bubbleWidth/2;
    int min = 0 - bubbleWidth/2;
    int max = 100 + bubbleWidth/2;
    myScrollbar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 
                    initialPosition, bubbleWidth, min, max);

The next fragment sets the unit increment to 2 and the block increment to 15. The unit increment is the amount of change resulting from clicking a button on the end of the Scrollbar. The block increment is the amount of change resulting from clicking between the bubble and the button on the end.


Code of the type shown in the next fragment should be very familiar to you by now. It really isn't very interesting at this point, and is included in this section solely for completeness.

This fragment creates the display window using a TextField object. It also adds the two components to the Frame, sets the size of the Frame, and makes the whole thing visible.

The fragment also includes typical code to instantiate a listener object for the Scrollbar and register it to receive notification of adjustment events.

This is followed by typical code to register a window listener to terminate the program when the user clicks the close box on the Frame.

That ends the constructor and also ends the definition of the GUI class.

    displayWindow = new TextField("Initial Text");
    displayWindow.setEditable(false);//make non-editable

    //add components to the GUI
    myFrame.add("South", myScrollbar); 
    myFrame.add("North", displayWindow);

    MyScrollbarListener myScrollbarListener = 
      new MyScrollbarListener(this);    
    //Note that the Scrollbar listener is not added as a 
    // ScrollbarListener but rather is added as an 
    // AdjustmentListener.

    //Close Frame to terminate.    
    myFrame.addWindowListener(new MyWindowListener());
  }//end constructor
}//end class GUI

The next fragment begins to get interesting again. It shows the beginning of the AdjustmentListener class from which a listener object is instantiated and registered on the Scrollbar to listen for adjustment events. This fragment shows the constructor for the class that saves a reference to the Scrollbar.

class MyScrollbarListener implements AdjustmentListener{
  GUI thisObject; //save ref to GUI object here
  MyScrollbarListener(GUI objectIn){//constructor
    thisObject = objectIn;
  }//end constructor

The following fragment begins the code that serves as the heart of the program. This is the adjustmentValueChanged() method, which is the only method declared by the AdjustmentListener interface. This method receives a parameter which is an object of type AdjustmentEvent.

This fragment uses the incoming object to obtain and display the incoming object, the source of the event, and the type of the event.

  public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e){
    int value;
    //Display the entire AdjustmentEvent object
    System.out.println("Adjustable = " + e.getAdjustable());
    System.out.println("AdjustmentType = " 
                                   + e.getAdjustmentType());

The following output was produced by the above fragment when the button on the right end of the scrollbar was clicked (line breaks were manually inserted by the author).

     adjType=UNIT_INCREMENT,value=42] on scrollbar0
Adjustable = java.awt.Scrollbar[scrollbar0,4,56,292x15,
AdjustmentType = 1

The next fragment uses the incoming object to get the value of the scrollbar and display it in the TextField object. The value should represent the position of the bubble (it really represents the position of the left edge of the bubble, not the center).

This fragment contains code to serve as a workaround for a bug in JDK 1.1.6 where small negative values are reported as very large positive values when the Scrollbar is adjusted by dragging the bubble. Note that this bug still exists in JDK 1.1.6 but has been fixed in JDK 1.2.

The fragment also contains code to adjust the reported value to the center of the bubble instead of the left edge of the bubble by increasing the value by one-half the width of the bubble. The adjusted value is displayed in the TextField object.

It also contains code to resolve another bug which causes the bubble to jump back to its previous value when you attempt to drag it in JDK 1.1.6. This also has been fixed in JDK 1.2.

    value = e.getValue();//get and save the value
    //The following code is here to work around a 
    // bug in the Scrollbar object for JDK 1.1.6
    if(value > 65000) 
      value = value - 65536;

    //Adjust value to center of the bubble
    thisObject.displayWindow.setText("Value = " 
                      + (value + thisObject.bubbleWidth/2));
    //The following is required to make the bubble stay put
    // in JDK 1.1.6 (not required for JDK 1.2)
  }//end adjustmentValueChanged()
}//end class MyScrollbarListener

That concludes the interesting code fragments for this program. A complete listing is provided in the next section.

Program Listing

A listing of the program with additional comments follows:  

/*File Copyright 1997, R.G.Baldwin
Revised 12/18/97
This program was designed to be compiled and executed under
JDK 1.1.3 or later version.

In an earlier version of this program compiled under 
JDK 1.1, in February 1997, I reported numerous bugs in the
JDK Scrollbar handling.  I have now recompiled the program 
and can report that most of the bugs seem to have been fixed,
although a couple of bugs still seem to exist.

One remaining bug is that if you adjust the scrollbar by
dragging the bubble into an area which would report negative
values, large positive values are reported instead of small
negative values (ie: something like 65536 instead of -1).
This does not happen if the scrollbar is adjusted by 
clicking on the end buttons or in the area between the
bubble and the buttons.  A numeric workaround was
implemented in this program to work around that bug. Note
that the bug still exists in JDK 1.1.6 but was fixed in the
first release of JDK 1.2.

Another possible bug is that the scrollbar seems to be able
to report a value that is one unitIncrement too large for 
the specified maximum value and bubble width.  Note
that the bug still exists in JDK 1.1.6 but was fixed in the
first release of JDK 1.2.

This program places a Scrollbar object and a TextField 
object in a Frame.  Whenever the bubble in the Scrollbar is
moved using any of the five available methods for moving 
the bubble the value of the Scrollbar (which should 
represent the position of the bubble) is displayed in the
TextField object.

Also, whenever the bubble is moved, several other pieces of
information are displayed on the screen which identify
various parameters of the adjustment.

Closing the frame terminates the program.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

class Event18{
  public static void main(String[] args){
    GUI gui = new GUI(); 
  }//end main
}//end class Event18
class GUI{
  Scrollbar myScrollbar;
  TextField displayWindow;
  int bubbleWidth;//needs to be accessible by event handler
    Frame myFrame = new Frame("Copyright 1997, R.G.Baldwin");
    //Instantiate a horizontal Scrollbar object with range 
    // from 0 to 100, initial position at 50, bubble width 
    // (page size) of 20, unitIncrement of 2 and a 
    // blockIncrement of 15.  
    // The Scrollbar component does not center the bubble on
    // the value.  Rather, the left edge of the bubble is 
    // lined up with the value.  The result is that values 
    // in the upper end of the range cannot be reached 
    // unless appropriate adjustments are made using half
    // the bubble width.  This distributes the unreachable
    // values at each end of the Scrollbar. You can then
    // set the min and max values to extend beyond the
    // desired values by one-half the bubble width.
    bubbleWidth = 20;
    int initialPosition = 50 - bubbleWidth/2;
    int min = 0 - bubbleWidth/2;
    int max = 100 + bubbleWidth/2;
    myScrollbar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 
                    initialPosition, bubbleWidth, min, max);
    //It would have been nice to have included unitIncrement
    // and blockIncrement as parameters to the constructor 
    // along with the other constructor parameteters. See 
    // next two statements which set the unitIncrement and
    // the blockIncrement.  The unitIncrement is the amount
    // of change resulting from clicking a button on the
    // end of the Scrollbar.  The blockIncrement is the 
    // amount of change resulting from clicking between the
    // bubble and the button on the end.
    displayWindow = new TextField("Initial Text");
    displayWindow.setEditable(false);//make non-editable

    //add components to the GUI
    myFrame.add("South", myScrollbar); 
    myFrame.add("North", displayWindow);

    //Instantiate a listener object for the Scrollbar and 
    // register it to receive notification of adjustment 
    // events.    
    MyScrollbarListener myScrollbarListener = 
      new MyScrollbarListener(this);    
    //Note that the Scrollbar listener is not added as a 
    // ScrollbarListener but rather is added as an 
    // AdjustmentListener.

    //Close Frame to terminate.    
    myFrame.addWindowListener(new MyWindowListener());
  }//end constructor
}//end class GUI

//Note that unlike some other components which have their 
// own listener interface, this class does not implement 
// ScrollbarListener because there is no such interface.
// Rather, the AdjustmentListener interface is used as a 
// listener interface for Scrollbars.
class MyScrollbarListener implements AdjustmentListener{
  GUI thisObject; //save ref to GUI object here
  MyScrollbarListener(GUI objectIn){//constructor
    thisObject = objectIn;
  }//end constructor
  public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e){
    int value;
    //Display the entire AdjustmentEvent object
    System.out.println("Adjustable = " + e.getAdjustable());
    System.out.println("AdjustmentType = " 
                                   + e.getAdjustmentType());
    //Display the value of the Scrollbar object in the 
    // TextField.  The value should represent the position 
    // of the bubble.
    value = e.getValue();//get and save the value
    //The following code is here to work around a possible
    // bug in the Scrollbar object where small negative
    // values are reported as very large positive values
    // when the Scrollbar is adjusted by sliding the bubble.
    // Note that this bug still exists in JDK 1.1.6 but has
    // been fixed in JDK 1.2.
    System.out.println("value = " + value);
    if(value > 65000) value = value - 65536;
    System.out.println("value = " + value);
    thisObject.displayWindow.setText("Value = " 
                      + (value + thisObject.bubbleWidth/2));
    //The following seems like a kludge but is required to
    // make the scrollbar bubble stay put. Otherwise, it
    // jumps back to the previous value when you try to
    // move it.
    //Note that this statement is required for JDK 1.1.6
    // but is not required for the first release of JDK 1.2
  }//end adjustmentValueChanged()
}//end class MyScrollbarListener
//Listener to terminate the program when the Frame is 
// closed.
class MyWindowListener extends WindowAdapter{
  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){
  }//end windowClosing()
}//end class MyWindowListener



Q - All of the Scrollbar bugs were eliminated in JDK 1.1.3: True or False? If false, explain why.

A - False. JDK 1.1.3 appears to still have at least two Scrollbar bugs. One bug causes the track event (which involves dragging the bubble in the Scrollbar object) to return large positive values such as 65535 when it should be returning small negative values such as -1. The other apparent bug allows the different versions of the event to return a value larger than would be calculated using the minimum and maximum values along with the width of the bubble.

Q - The Scrollbar bugs listed above cause the Scrollbar component to be completely unusable: True or False? If false, explain why.

A - False. While these two bugs represent a significant inconvenience, it is probably possible to work around both of them by making numeric corrections.

Q - To create a listener object for a Scrollbar, you must implement the ScrollbarListener interface or extend a ScrollbarAdapter class: True or False? If false, explain why.

A - False. To create a listener object for a Scrollbar, you do not implement a ScrollbarListener interface or extend a ScrollbarAdapter class, because they do not exist. Instead, you implement an AdjustmentListener interface.

Q - To create a listener object for a Scrollbar, you can either implement the AdjustmentListener interface or extend the AdjustmentAdapter class: True or False? If False, explain why.

A - False. There is no AdjustmentAdapter class. It isn't needed because the AdjustmentListener interface declares only one method whose signature follows:

 public abstract void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e)

Q - The adjustmentValueChanged() method is invoked when the value of the the Scrollbar object is changed: True or False? If false, explain why.

A - True.

Q - There are five different types of adjustment events which correspond to the different methods of moving the bubble in a Scrollbar object: True or False. If false, explain why.

A - True.

Q - As with most of the other classes in the AWT, the AdjustmentListener interface declares a separate method for each type of adjustment event. Each of these methods must be implemented in any class that implements the AdjustmentListener interface: True or False? If false, explain why.

A - False. Only one method is declared in the AdjustmentListener interface. The name of the method is adjustmentValueChanged().

Q - The adjustmentValueChanged() method receives an object of type AdjustmentEvent as a parameter, and the type of event is encoded into the object: True or False? If false, explain why.

A - True.

Q - In addition to the type of the event, additional information is also encoded into the object that is passed to the adjustmentValueChanged() method. Give examples of two other kinds of information encoded into the object..

A - Information such as the value of the Scrollbar and the name of the Scrollbar component is also encoded into the object.

Q - The types of adjustment events are defined as static variables in the AdjustmentEvent class. What are the names of these variables, and how to they correspond to user actions on the Scrollbar object?

A - The names of the static variables and their relationship to the Scrollbar object are:

Q - The width of the bubble is also referred to by at least two other terms in the Scrollbar documentation. What are they?

A - The other terms used to describe the bubble width are page size and visible. These terms seem to be related to the use of a Scrollbar on the side or bottom of a window of text where the size of the bubble is indicative of the amount of text that is visible in the window in relation to the amount of text in the entire document..

Q - In JDK 1.1.3, the value of the Scrollbar object is represented by the center of the bubble: True or False? If false, explain why.

A - False. The value of the Scrollbar object is represented by an edge of the bubble. For example, the value is represented by the position of the left edge of the bubble for a horizontal Scrollbar. If you want the position of the center of the bubble to represent a value, you must perform a numeric correction (involving half the width of the bubble) on the value of the Scrollbar actually extracted from the event object.

Q - All necessary initialization parameters for a Scrollbar object are provided as parameters to one of the Scrollbar constructors: True or False: If false, explain why.

A - False. Although five different initialization parameters are included as parameters to the Scrollbar constructor, other important initialization parameters such as BlockIncrement and UnitIncrement are not included in the parameter list. They must be set following instantiation using methods such as setBlockIncrement().

Q - The AdjustmentEvent class provides four methods that can be used to obtain information about the event. What are they and what kinds of information do they return?

A - The four methods and the information that they return are listed below:

Q - Write an application that meets the specifications given in the comments in the following program.

A - See the following program.

/*File  from lesson 90
Copyright 1997, R. G. Baldwin
Without viewing the following solution, write a Java
application that meets the specifications given below.

To accommodate this program, you will need to be using
JDK 1.1.3 or a later version.

Write an application that places a vertical Scrollbar and a
Label on a Frame.  The Label is used to display the 
position of the center of the bubble in the Scrollbar.

The Scrollbar values should range from approximately -50
to +50 (exact end points are difficult to achieve).

The width of the bubble should be 10 units.

When you click on the buttons at the end of the Scrollbar,
the bubble should move by 3 units.

When you click in the area between the bubble and the
buttons, the bubble should move by 6 units.

When the program starts, the bubble should be centered
and the Label should indicate a bubble position of 0.

Closing the frame terminates the program.

End of specifications.
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

class SampProg125{
  public static void main(String[] args){
    GUI gui = new GUI(); 
  }//end main
}//end class SampProg125
class GUI{
  Scrollbar myScrollbar;
  Label displayWindow;
  int bubbleWidth;//needs to be accessible by event handler
    Frame myFrame = new Frame("Copyright 1997, R.G.Baldwin");
    bubbleWidth = 10;
    int initialPosition = 0 - bubbleWidth/2;
    int min = -50 - bubbleWidth/2;
    int max = 50 + bubbleWidth/2;
    myScrollbar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL, 
                    initialPosition, bubbleWidth, min, max);
    displayWindow = new Label("value = 0");

    //add components to the GUI
    myFrame.add("East", myScrollbar); 
    myFrame.add("North", displayWindow);

    //Instantiate a listener object for the Scrollbar and 
    // register it to receive notification of adjustment 
    // events.    
    MyScrollbarListener myScrollbarListener = 
                            new MyScrollbarListener(this);    
    //Note that the Scrollbar listener is not added as a 
    // ScrollbarListener but rather is added as an 
    // AdjustmentListener.

    //Close Frame to terminate.    
    myFrame.addWindowListener(new MyWindowListener());
  }//end constructor
}//end class GUI

//Note that unlike some other components which have their 
// own listener interface, this class does not implement 
// ScrollbarListener because there is no such interface.
// Rather, the AdjustmentListener interface is used as a 
// listener interface for Scrollbars.
class MyScrollbarListener implements AdjustmentListener{
  GUI thisObject; //save ref to GUI object here
  MyScrollbarListener(GUI objectIn){//constructor
    thisObject = objectIn;
  }//end constructor
  public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent e){
    int value;
    //Display the value of the Scrollbar object in the 
    // Label.  The value should represent the position 
    // of the bubble.
    value = e.getValue();//get and save the value
    //The following code is here to work around a possible
    // bug in the Scrollbar object where small negative
    // values are reported as very large positive values
    // when the Scrollbar is adjusted by sliding the bubble.
    if(value > 65000) value = value - 65536;
    thisObject.displayWindow.setText("Value = " 
                      + (value + thisObject.bubbleWidth/2));
    //The following seems like a kludge but is required to
    // make the scrollbar bubble stay put. Otherwise, it
    // jumps back to the previous value when you try to
    // move it.
  }//end adjustmentValueChanged()
}//end class MyScrollbarListener
//Listener to terminate the program when the Frame is 
// closed.
class MyWindowListener extends WindowAdapter{
  public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){
  }//end windowClosing()
}//end class MyWindowListener
