A good answer might be:

Yes. The "direction to the Sun" is the same for everyone on the beach. It is a vector.

Column Matrix

Sometimes (as in the question) we are interested only in direction, not location, nor length. Use a vector for this. Its length does not matter. Often it will be given a length of one.

A geometric vector may be represented with a list of numbers called a column matrix. A column matrix is an ordered list of numbers written in a column. Here is an example of a column matrix:

Each number of the column matrix is called an element. The numbers are real numbers. The number of elements in a vector is called its dimension. A row matrix is an ordered list of numbers written in a row. Here is an example of a row matrix:

(12.5, -9.34)

To be consistent, our vectors will always be represented with column matrices. Some books represent vectors with row matrices, which makes no fundamental difference, but affects how formulas look.


How many elements are in each column matrix?
