Complete listing of Types01.cpp, Listing 1

/*File:  Types01.cpp
This C++ program illustrates various data types. 
Variables of several different types are 
declared, initialized, and displayed.

The program displays the following output on the
screen (note that the glyph for the first line
of text is not correctly represented by this

numCharVar= =
shortVar=   32767
intVar=     2147483647
longVar=    2147483647
overflow=   -2147483648
charVar=    F
wideChVar=  66
floatVar=   6.66667
doubleVar=  66.6667
longDblVar= 666.667
boolVar=    1
boolVar*2=  2
stringVar=  Hello World
Press any key to continue


#include <iostream>
#include <string>//Required for type string
using namespace std;

class Types01{ 
  static void classMain(){
    //Instantiate an object in dynamic memory
    // and save its reference in a pointer 
    // variable.
    Types01* ptrToObject = new Types01();

    //Invoke an instance function on the object.
    ptrToObject -> doSomething();
  }//End classMain function

  //An instance function of the Types01 class
  void doSomething(){
    //Declare and initialize the values of
    // several different types of variables.

    //Integer types
    char numCharVar = 242;
    short shortVar = 32767;
    int intVar = 2147483647;
    long longVar = 2147483647;
    //Purposely overflow a long variable.
    long overflow = 2147483648;

    //Character types
    char charVar = 'A';//also a numeric type
    charVar = charVar + 5;//convert to 'F'
    wchar_t wideChVar = 'B';

    //Floating point types
    float floatVar = 20/3.0;
    double doubleVar = 200/3.0;
    long double longDblVar = 2000/3.0;

    //The string type
    string stringVar = "Hello World";

    //Boolean types
    bool boolVar = true;

    //Displayed as a character, not as a numeric
    // value
    cout << "numCharVar= " << numCharVar << endl;

    //Displayed as numeric values
    cout << "shortVar=   " << shortVar << endl;
    cout << "intVar=     " << intVar << endl;
    cout << "longVar=    " << longVar << endl;
    cout << "overflow=   " << overflow << endl;

    //Displayed as a character, not as a numeric
    // value
    cout << "charVar=    " << charVar << endl;

    //Displayed as a numeric value, not as a
    // character
    cout << "wideChVar=  " << wideChVar << endl;

    //All floating types displayed with same
    // number of significant digits as float.
    cout << "floatVar=   " << floatVar << endl;
    cout << "doubleVar=  " << doubleVar << endl;
    cout << "longDblVar= " << longDblVar << endl;

    //Displayed as a numeric value, not as true
    // or false.
    cout << "boolVar=    " << boolVar << endl;

    //Arithmetic can be performed on bool
    // variable.
    cout << "boolVar*2=  " << boolVar*2 << endl;

    //Displayed as string of characters
    cout << "stringVar=  " << stringVar << endl;

  }//end doSomething function
};//End Types01 class

int main(){
  return 0;
}//end main

Listing 1